Resuts 2024

Power & Electrical Engineering 2024

  • Exhibition area: 7,500 m2
  • 8,000 trade visitors from Russia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, and Türkiye
  • 115 exhibitors from Russia, China, Belarus, India, and Kazakhstan
  • 700 meetings between buyers and suppliers on the Business Contact Center platform
  • 30 business events and 450+ delegates of the 12th Russian International Energy Forum (RIEF)
  • 105 journalists from 44 periodicals from Russia and foreign countries covered the events
  • The Presentation Zone, Electrician Day, and Networking Day
The Power & Electrical Engineering 2024 exhibition is one of the best Russian platforms to present new power infrastructure solutions for manufacturing facilities and hold constructive dialogues for industry specialists. It takes place annually during the Russian International Energy Forum (RIEF). The ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center hosted Power & Electrical Engineering alongside the St. Petersburg Technical Fair and Hi-Tech, Russian Housing & Utility Infrastructure, and Corrosion Protection international exhibitions.
Alexey Yeresko, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing, and Utilities of the Russian Federation; Sergey Kropachev, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg; Yevgeny Razumishkin, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg; Sergey Voronkov, President of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs and General Director of ExpoForum International; and Dmitry Nikitin, CEO of RESTEC Exhibition Company, took part in the official opening ceremony of the events.
In their speeches, the official guests noted that this year’s platform featured exhibitions from closely linked industries critical to the country’s economic development and significantly influencing the quality of life for the population. All in all, over 200 companies from 20 regions of Russia and 10 foreign countries presented their products and technologies today. The safety of critical infrastructure across power, machine manufacturing, household utilities, and IT sectors dominated discussions at all business events.
Power & Electrical Engineering 2024 showcased a wide range of products from over 115 suppliers and manufacturers. These included power, electrical engineering, and lighting equipment, automation and monitoring systems and tools, industrial explosion-proof electrical equipment, energy-efficient and energy-saving products and technologies, and solutions for increased efficiency in automated control of energy facilities and systems. The exhibition has seen a steady rise in international participation, with over 25% of exhibitors this year coming from foreign countries – China, Belarus, India, and Kazakhstan. This year’s event marked the debut of a united pavilion featuring 20 leading manufacturers from Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province. These companies represent the province’s key industries, including machine building and automotive sectors, alongside prominent trade and logistics companies.
Carrying on a tradition, the exhibition again featured a Presentation Zone this year, open for the entire three-day duration of the event. The Presentation Zone once again offered a platform for workshops, training sessions, and presentations. Representatives from the L. G. Sokolov North-West Regional Clinical Research Center of the FMBA of Russia hosted a workshop titled First Aid Treatment of Electric Injuries at Industrial Sites. Events held by other participants, such as the 1C-Based Automation quiz presentation by Informatsionnyie Sistemy VS and DKC Solutions for Process Control Systems and Distribution Systems, sparked the interest of specialists. Workshops by Rosseti Lenenergo and Peterburgskaya Sbytovaya Kompania on the installation of charging stations ignited lively debates.
Electrician Day, hosted in collaboration with the Rosseti Lenenergo Training Complex, was particularly interesting for visitors and exhibitors. The exhibition’s business program culminated in Networking Day, a forum dedicated to fostering the creation and development of supply chains for import-substituting products and equipment. Representatives from Southwest Thermal Power Plant, Rosseti Lenenergo, the Northwest Basin Branch of Rosmorport, and Passazhiravtotrans negotiated with over 50 potential supply companies.
Power & Electrical Engineering 2024 was held with the support of the government of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Organizers: RESTEC Exhibition Company and ExpoForum International. Partners of the event: PLC Technology and Morsvyazavtomatika Scientific Industrial Complex. The general information partner: Energetika i promyshlennost Rossii newspaper; Official information partner: electrotechnical portal.

We invite you to visit and participate in the 32nd Power & Electrical Engineering international exhibition, which will take place in spring 2025 in ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center.
26 March 10:00 - 18:00
27 March 10:00 - 18:00
28 March 10:00 - 16:00
Organisation and holding of exhibitions, conferences, congress events and business missions in Russia and abroad.
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St. Petersburg, Russia
+7 (812) 320 6363
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